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What's in it for you?

Exciting projects

GEOxyz is an international company, surveying for clients worldwide. From Scandinavia to Morocco and expanding, every project has its own exciting challenges.

Great colleagues

Teamwork is not just a buzzword at our company, it's how we operate on a daily basis. As a well-oiled vessel we deliver topnotch data to our clients, and afterwards celebrate the good feedback together. With a team of 700+ people and growing, there's always someone who's got your back!

  • Stephanie Decommer

    HR Manager

  • Sien Vanhauwaert

    HR Employee

  • Annabel Van Canneyt

    HR Employee

Employee testimony

Love your job

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Privacy Policy

In order to ensure high-quality recruitment and selection processes, we collect your personal data using this online application platform.
The provision of this personal data is therefore a necessary condition to complete the application process.
When collecting and processing your personal data, we always comply with the regulations on the protection of personal data as well as the General Data Protection Regulation ("AVG" or GDPR).
For more information on how we process your personal data, we would like to refer you to our privacy policy.

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